eLOCK Cylinders for applications in the classical security area
The cylinders stand out through the simple and quick installation in profile cylinder locks. The modular lengthening of the cylinders in the eLOCK eXpert and eLOCK eXpress systems offer particular flexibility.
They can be delivered pre-configured or can be configured or retrospectively modified directly at the installation site. Depending on the system requirements, different cylinders are available as locking, knob and half-cylinders, with single-sided or double-sided authorisation checks.
The battery-operated eLOCK cylinders are suitable for installation in doors with profile cylinder locks and are approved for use with fire-protection doors.

Electronic knob cylinders
Double-knob and half-cylinders are available in the Euro profile. With the eLOCK eXpert and eLOCK eXpress systems, you can also get versions for emergency exit route doors as well as versions with fire protection 120 minutes, with FZG (freewheel cylinders for gearbox locks) test certificate, with axle extension, with special waterproof function and in Swiss round profile.
For use in the systems: eLOCK eXpert, eLOCK eXpress, eLOCK EM
Certified lock versions
Depending on the construction, some anti-panic locks require the cylinder to have a defined locking nose. For this reason, certain conditions have to be fulfilled for the deployment of knob cylinders in anti-panic locks.
Locks in accordance with DIN EN 179/1125 that require a defined locking nose position:
Use of the ES7230F as well as of cylinders of series eLOCK eXpress and eLOCK eXpert with APS function is permitted.
Locks in accordance with DIN EN 179/1125 that do not require a defined locking nose position:
Use of all ES products is permitted.
The approved locking cylinder must be expressly named in the Declaration of conformity or the Declaration of performance from the lock manufacturer.
Please refer in this regard to the corresponding lock manufacturer. The documentation named above is often available as a download on their homepage.